August 24, 2006

It Could Be Worse...And It Probably Will Be

There is an article in the Washington Post today that reflects on a recent news conference held by President Bush during which he had much to say about the war in Iraq. I would like to just quote from the opening few sentences of this article:

"Of all the words that President Bush used at his news conference this week to defend his policies in Iraq, the one that did not pass his lips was "progress."

For three years, the president tried to reassure Americans that more progress was being made in Iraq than they realized. But with Iraq either in civil war or on the brink of it, Bush dropped the unseen-progress argument in favor of the contention that things could be even worse."

With the almost certainty that civil war is looming in Iraq, and the absolute lack of any intellegent plan to insure American victory there, the administration is looking more and more bewildered and confused. But is anyone really surprised by this turn of events? I, for one, am not.

There are still many people who believed, and still do, that Iraq was behind 9/11, and that they had WMD's ready to let fly at America. Mr Bush and his colleagues went to great pains to sell those beliefs to the American people, even though they were not true, and a great many citizens bought into the lies.

The fabrication of "Intellegence" to promote the war, and the lack of "Intellegence" in the planning and execution of that war, explains, to me, why the president appears to be bewildered and confused at the current state of affairs. Lack of intellegence is something that this White House has plenty of.

Here is a video that will illustrate that proposition. It is somewhat longer than most of my posts, but it is worth viewing.