August 22, 2006

Elections looming..And the War Goes On..And On

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Dubya held a press conference yesterday morning. I won't bore you with the details, but I would like to comment on a couple of points that Mr. Bush made. First of all he warned us all that for the US to pull out of Iraq, or leave before the "mission" was accomplished, would empower terrorism and make us all less secure. I may be mistaken, but I thought that all of those things had already happened.

I remember Mr. Bush, standing beneath a banner that read "Mission Accomplished" proclaiming that combat was over in Iraq. And, if I am not very much mistaken, terrorism has become more empowered since the invasion and the world is most definitely a much more dangerous place since Dubya and Co. set off on their military adventure to export democracy.

Secondly, Mr Bush intimated that, with elections looming, it would be dangerous to vote for anyone questioning or criticizing the administration's foreign or domestic policies. In saying this yesterday morning he was reiterating Mr. Cheney's earlier observations that voting for Democrats would be playing into Al Qaeda's hands. So much for democracy and freedom...and welcome to the next election which, like the last, will center on the war and become a showpiece on the politics of fear.

Mr. Bush once said, during his first election campaign, that he wanted to be a "Uniter". Well he missed his target on that one. Now, according to Bush and Cheney, there are two Americas: One side is composed of those that favour the administration's stance on the war and love freedom, and the other side is, obviously, Al Qaeda and their fellow travelers.

Welcome to the new cold war...Bush/Cheney style.