August 02, 2006

Politics + Religion= hypocrisy

Politicians are a funny lot. They will say and do anything in order to win votes and gain power. They will seize upon every opportunity to rouse the rabble and occupy every moral highground available. They spew platitudes, cliches, and promises aplenty in order to seduce the voters into believing that they, and only they, will look after society's best interests. And, of course, they must convince the voters that God is on their side.

Here is a politician, a congressman from Georgia, who has sponsored a bill to display the Ten Commandments in the Congress. Of course this is entirely illegal due to the separation of Church and State as outlined in the Constitution. But just how deep is the congressman's belief in the Ten Commandments? Or is this just a cynical and hypocritical way to gain air time and votes...or perhaps lay the groundwork for a future presidential campaign?

Take a look and decide for yourself: