July 24, 2006

Diplomatic George

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George certainly has a lot to worry about these days. He is under attack at home from the extreme right-wingers that have had, until recently, such great influence over the Whitehouse. This group, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, and others of the PNAC (Project for a New American Century), are the brilliant minds behind the invasion of Iraq, which they had planned long before Osama and his minions took flight. They are also behind the administration's policy of ignoring the other branches of government, all existing treaties, and any law that might impede, embarrass, or hinder the "war-time" president in his pursuit of America's enemies. This includes eroding any civil rights of American citizens that may have been supported or won by those dastardly "liberals" in America's past.

Why is George under attack from his closest supporters? He has spoken openly about seeking to use diplomacy in the pursuit of his political aims in the Middle-East and around the world. This means holding talks with Iran and Korea about their nuclear ambitions and looking for ways to use diplomacy in seeking a long term solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. This is against everything that the neoconservtives stand for. They want George to stand tall, whack everything in sight with a very big stick, and commit militarily to smashing any enemy that has the gall to stand in the way of American global supremacy from now until the end of time!!

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Mr Cheney is not a happy man these days. His puppet president has begun to wonder if Mr Cheney and his band of merry hawks were right after all. Plus the president is no doubt thinking about how his presidency will be remembered in the years to come. First he was caught napping on 9/11. Then he lied to the American public in order to justify a war that he promised he could win. Now, many years after he declared "victory", America is still at war. America will be at war long after Mr Bush rides off into the oily sunset. Then there was the great hurricaine that destroyed one of America's great cities, and Mr Bush was once again caught napping. Incompetency, arrogance, ignorance, and blind ambition will mark this presidency for many years to come...unless the hawks can re-write history...which I am sure they would have no moral problems with doing.

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So I am sure that the president will be spending a great deal of time in Condi's arms in the days and months to come. Diplomacy will not win the world for America, but neither will blind aggression. I am sure that George is racking his brains (what there is of them) in order to find a way out of the international hole into which he has dug himself.

The hawks will live to fight another day...which can not be said for the many casualties, both American and non-American, who are dying in their hundreds daily. Diplomacy belongs in the Whitehouse. It is good to see it there again. Better late than never.