August 01, 2006

Armageddon Here We Come!

As many "born again" Christians believe in the end days , the final battle between the forces of good and evil and the second coming of the Christ, the present conflicts in the Middle East must invoke feelings of anticipation for both the coming "Rapture" and the end of evil in the world.

I would like to point out that the final battle, according to the book of Revelations, is to held at a place called Armageddon , not too far from Jerusalem.

The West, led by George Bush, a born-again, last-days Christian, is face to face with the Imams and radical clerics of Islam. In the middle, but by no means an innocent bystander in the game, is Israel. Israel, feeling surrounded by enemies thirsty for it's blood and hungry for it's flesh (no pun on Christianity intended), represents the only Jewish hope for a re-gained homeland that was destroyed and taken from them by the Romans in the first century...who staged the destruction of Jerusalem from the fields of Armageddon.

I have written of the possible unification of the Islamic factions in the face of a common enemy. This has proven to be not only possible...but very probable. The video that I am enclosing in today's blog will illustrate how the Hizbollah leadership is calling upon all Islam to unite behind them in their battle or face an eternity of shame and perhaps even sacrifice their place in the next life.

Anyone who believes that Religion, any denomination, is somehow elevated above the troubles of this world, is simply being foolish. Religion is at the heart of the troubles of this world, and consoles us all with stories and tales of the paradise it promises in the "next" world.

And here is a fine example: