Israel vs Hamas...on and on and on
Well I have not written anything for a few days. This was mainly due to the fact that there are so many interesting events unfolding all around the world. Politics in The USA has become slightly more interesting due to the Supreme Court finally saying no to the Administration, which was getting quite used to waging "war" anyway it saw fit. Little things like legality, treaty compliance, civil rights, the Constitution, ethics, and honesty, got pushed to the sidelines...or just got quietly ignored or undermined in Mr Bush's attempt to get a positive result out of his complete blundering in Iraq. So no secret trials for prisoners held in secret jails for Mr. Bush...but it won't change anything. He will still hold prisoners, indefinitely and without charge...he just won't bother to give them a trial, secret or otherwise.

Hamas, who without any sense of irony call themselves a government, seems to perversely invite disaster upon the Palestinian people. This time their "military wing" has managed to bring down the might of the Israelis upon the people of the Gaza strip. They did this by tunneling under the border and emerging to kill two Israeli soldiers and wounding and capturing a third. This third soldier has been transported to Gaza and is being held in a secret location.

The Israelis have answered this act of aggression by bombing the Gaza strip temporarily back into the dark ages (knocking out their electricity grid), and preparing to launch an attack, in full force, in order to root out their unfortunate son. Meanwhile they have raided into Gaza quite successfully and captured most of the Palestinian cabinet.
Perhaps this little video may help to show why there is very little hope for a peaceful, political solution to the interminable conflict in this desperate part of the world. Shown here is a person reading, both in Arabic and English, the Hamas charter.
And the wars go on..and on..and on.