June 06, 2006

Theocracy on the March in the USA

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The ship of state has been hijacked. I do not say this as a joke, but as a statement of fact. It may already be too late to remedy. The hijacking was not an uprising by armed mutineers, nor was it stormed by pirates in bloody battle, it was accomplished by a steady and determined group of zealots who, armed with money, belief, patience, and an easily swayed and militant rabble in support, have quietly gained control of the helm.

I am speaking of that group of "last days" Christians, and their fanatical evangelical supporters. These people, with their own universities and sophisticated lobbying techniques, have managed, over the last few decades, to promote their agenda so successfully that they now control a large part of the American government. The scary thing about this hijacking, by a religious group, is that they are not quiet about their treason....they trumpet their takeover of the government and see it as a stamp of approval from God himself.

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They have placed their seditious acolytes in positions of power, not just in the administrative branch, but in both houses of Congress and on the Supreme Court. They are at war, not just with foreign governments and radical terror organizations, but with America itself. They see America, and the whole world itself, as teeming with evil. We, the people who inhabit the planet, will not be taken into heaven on judgment day. That honour is reserved for a select few, many of them presently working in government or actively engaged in coercing government officials to their will, and they firmly believe that it is their task to set the stage for Amrageddon.

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Their universities and colleges are directing their energies to placing their students and graduates in positions of influence, both in government and the media, with the objective of taking control of those institutions and thereby "guiding" America to "Gods Will". Some might think this a noble endeavour, but I think it is an outrageous assault on democracy.

The Constitution, itself under siege from these seditious zealots, provides for the separation of church and state. This is separation was designed and intended to protect both the religious freedom of citizens from the undue influence of the government, and the government from the undue influence of religious groups. But it will not last, indeed it may already be too late, if these right-wing, blinkered crusaders are allowed to succeed.

I am writing this in response to a documentary I watched last night called "Gods Next Army", about a certain college, one of many that are endowed by the religious right and their corporate supporters, called Patrick Henry College . This college is just six years old and it has more interships in the White House than any other educational institution in America. I would suggest that anyone who is concerned about the state of democracy in the United States take a look at this website and especially their mission statement.

For more information about this and other insights on religion in general, I would suggest that you vistit this page and browse for a few minutes. The government of the United States is in great danger of being taken over by these few zealots and their corporate backers (see the board of trustees for Patrick Henry College).

The question is: Is it already a fait a compli? It just might be too late. Politicians gravitate towards money. Money means votes. Any politician with courage enough to stand against these villians will come across as Godless and Evil, and the "born again" will mass against them.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." Blaise Pascal

All I can say is this: So long America...it was nice knowing you.