Final Post: Farewell
Today will be my last posting on this blog. I have spent the last year following world events, political machinations, and religious zealots...and sharing my opinions, fears, and insights on them. The wars go on and will, in all likelihood, continue to do so for years to come. Someone once said that "History is just one damn thing after another", and that is very true. I have spent the last year watching history being made...and now I find myself wanting to turn away.
This is not to say that I have lost interest in the events that are shaping the world. The looming energy crises, the wars for shrinking oil and gas supplies, the fusion of religion and politics on both sides of the present ideological clash, and the general incompetence of the politicians of the world to establish order and bring hope to the worlds peoples. I grow tired of spending my days watching the world go up in flames. I don't have the time for this.
It has proven to be an enlightening year for me though. I have read many books about religion, theology, politics, social issues, science, technology, and history. I have viewed many documentaries, reports, polls, and editorials. I have filled every morning with diligently reading newspapers from around the world, following stories and events as they unfolded, and putting them together like pieces of some giant jigsaw. But I really don't wish to continue doing these things for the rest of my days. Life is too short.
I will be starting a new blog sometime soon. I will probably still comment occasionally on events that interest me, but I intend to try something new. For those of you who have been following this blog, I thank you. The comments that you have left over the year have been very important to me and I am very grateful.
So anyway, while the wars are about to escalate, and Pat Robertson and Dubya are busy talking to God (I wonder why God doesn't make conference calls?), and the Islamic radicals hatch their plots for the new Caliphate, and the military-industrial complex that passes for government in the West schemes to take over the world, or at least its remaining resources, and the world itself slides into the abyss of climate change and global warming, and the populations of the West spend their lives in shopping and celebrity worship while the vast majority of the worlds people fight for basic survival, I bid you all farewell.
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