Naked People and The Cost of Oil
Today marks the day for the third annual World Naked Bike Ride.
In at least twenty-five cities around the world, including London, Chicago, and Sydney, the streets will be filled with spandex-less laddies and, even better, lassies. It's a saddle sniffers paradise...if there ever was one!You might wonder why, on this overtly political blog, I have chosen to write about this particular event. I'll tell you. It's all about oil..or at least reducing our dependancy on that volitile, expensive, and war inciting product. So I guess I'll do my bit and give them a piece of my own little forum in order to support and applaud their bold and sincere efforts. Plus it gives me a good excuse to put pictures of naked people into my otherwise boring blog.
I cannot take credit for the photographs... I don't even own a camera... but I am sure that whoever did take these photos wouldn't mind them being posted here. It is all in a good cause.

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