April 24, 2006

Politics: Osama's back...just in time

Well good ol' Osama is back in the news. Just when Mr. Bush was at his lowest. His job ratings in the dirt and his pals all getting caught with their hands in the till, his Defense Secretary being exposed for the blinkered fool that he is and his policies exposed for their multi-trillion dollar give aways to his business cronies, Mr Bush has been saved by his old enemy...Osama.

Once again he can play the boogieman card and frighten the children into letting him get away with doing whatever he wants to whoever he wants anywhere that he wants.

Osama Bin Laden bails out Blair and Bush once again with another tape calling for a world war against the "Crusaders". Apparently Osama is angry that the western countries are no longer willing to support the Palastinian government by paying their bills. Now that Hamas has risen to real governing power in Palastine, while still clinging to the notion of waging war and destroying Israel, the west is no longer willing to subsidise the Palastinian state. Big surprise there. But Osama is upset about this. This isn't fair. So now he is calling for all Muslims to wage war against all non-muslims.

Logic really has little to do any of this. I used to think that the most upsetting thing about being mortal was not knowing what would happen next. Now, when I look to the future and try to foresee what will happen after I die, I can see very little that is interesting or new. I can see self-interest and bigotry running rampant across the globe. I can see greed and consumption as the driving forces of the future generations. I can see poverty and hunger and illness being ignored where there is no profit to be made. I can see wars never ending and the world in flames all in the name of ideologies that have lived past their time.

I think I'll get drunk...I think we all should.