Personal: Dopes
I know what all my friends in Dublin and the USA are thinking right now: Look...Dick Cheney is wearing Jane's T-shirt!!
Don't worry your little heads off though. This blog isn't going to be political, nor is it going to be an attack on organised religion.This blog is going to behave itself and concentrate on something entirely non contoversial...drugs.
I personaly don't see the problem with stepping out into the backyard and taking a few tokes off the old pipe. I find it relaxes me and helps me to ponder the little problems that life presents me with. Sometimes I like to take a little puff and think about...uuugh..what?...I forget what I was talking about...but you know what I mean.

And we all know that one joint can't do you any harm. Even most of today's politicians will admit to smoking a little pot in their wild and wooly younger days. Even George Bush smoked a little weed, snorted a little coke, drove around just a little drunk, and went on to become president and invade the worlds leading opium supplier...without impeding the flow of opium at all. And Tony Blair himself, a long-haired lefty pot smoker in his youth, went on to become prime-minister and joined George on his military adventure in the land of the poppy. I am not suggesting that these guys invaded Afghanistan for the dope...I think they did it because they are dopes.

So anyway, I don't want anyone to go out and start smoking weed and stuff just because the most powerful people on the planet did so. The are quite a few pot smokers out there who will probably never get the chance to launch an invasion of their own...they are too busy looking for their keys in the refridgerator or counting the M&M's to make sure they didn't get ripped off at the corner shop.
Tha's about it for today. I have to go and find my keys.
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