Personal: Illusions
Click on image to enlarge Today I am taking some time off from ranting about politics and religion. Even though these things seem to be more closely related than I consider healthy, I will abstain from commenting. Except for this: President Bush has explained, as part of his reasoning for the invasion of Iraq, that he was on a "...mission from God". Right. Now Prime Minister Tony Blair has expounded that only God is able to judge his decision to accompany Mr. Bush on the same invasion. Is this not the cornerstone of Theocracy? Where are the people in this set-up? The voters who elected these two pompous zealots into power seem to be absent from their reasoning. Aren't the people, in a democracy, supposed to be the judges of their servants? Anyone with a used-car salesman's sense of honesty and a carnival barkers love of rhetoric can set up as an evangilest and spread the word about his "personal saviour". That is the nature of religion in modern America. But I am deeply disapointed that a politician here in Britain is using the same "divine" excuses for his own actions.
But enough about all that.
You may have noticed the pic at the top of this page. I was browsing optical illusions the other day and thought I'd share a few with you all. I find these things highly amusing. I love to think that my eyes see one thing and my brain sees another. Cool. Of course these illusions are just the result of synapses firing in the brain and creating something that isn't there. Oops..we're treading very close to religion again...sorry.
Can you see the spinning cylinders? Look closely..very closely. You are feeling sleepy...very sleepy. You know someone in England and you want to give them something. A house, a car, a boat, a weekend at the Playboy Mansion....NO...Wake Up!! I was only kidding. I don't want a fucking boat!
For those of you of a certain generation, who prefer their optical illusions in living colour..try this one. Of course, when I was much younger and even more stupid, I saw shit like this all the time. A few mushrooms, a little peyote button or two...or just some of my sisters lasagna would induce this sort thing. Not a particularly healthy experience while driving cross-country.
Well that's about it for today.
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