Politics: Nukes? I don't think so
So the Iranians are determined to aquire nucleur meapons. Who could blame them? Look what happened to the last Islamic state that was being run by clerics..Afghanistan. They were completely overrun, in a very short time, by the American Alliance without offering any real resistance. The clerics took flight to the hills, the same hills from which the Americans helped them wage guerilla war against the Russians, and were once again reduced to being "Freedom Fighters" (as the CIA used to call them), or "Terrorists" (as the CIA calls them now).
Personally I don't care if the Iranians, or any other group of people, wish to live in a Theocracy. That is their choice. But I don't believe that it is acceptable that any religious organization should have control of a nucleur weapons arsenal. Let's leave that kind of thing where it belongs: In the hands of born again christian oil magnates and their homies cleverly disguised as politicians. The Dick Cheney Gun Club is now open for business. Our operators are ready to take your calls.
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