God's Little Helper Wants Your Vote...While You Still Have One
The Christian Right are still hard at it...attempting to take over, or take back as they would have it, America for Jesus. Their latest headliner is Florida congresswoman Katherine Harris, who was recently interviewed by the Florida Baptist Witness. She was asked about her views on politics and religion, abortion, gay marriages, gay rights, and many other "Christian" issues. She is currently running for the US Senate and is hot on the campaign trail.
She had a lot to say for herself. I will offer this quote from her telling interview.
"If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you're not electing Christians then in essence you are going to legislate sin. They can legislate sin. They can say that abortion is alright. They can vote to sustain gay marriage. And that will take western civilization, indeed other nations because people look to our country as one nation as under God and whenever we legislate sin and we say abortion is permissible and we say gay unions are permissible, then average citizens who are not Christians, because they don't know better, we are leading them astray and it's wrong."
I believe that what she is trying to say, in her own garbled and incoherrent way, is that Christians should run the country in the interests of the rest of us who "...don't know any better". It is mighty friendly of them to offer to sacrifice their time and our money in order to devote themselves to caring for all of us ignorant, hell-bound pagans. Not only is she willing to endure the stresses and burdens of power, she is also a hot, pony-riding babe. What more could the voters ask for? Democracy?
She goes on to declare that the separation of church and state is a lie that we have been told, and that God is the one who really chooses our leaders. This might explain her involvement, both as Florida Secretary of State and George W. Bush's Florida campaign manager, when she contrived to keep thousands of black voters from exercising their rights during the 2000 election. She was helping God choose our leaders.

Theocracy is a very dangerous path to walk. It is not Democracy by any stretch of the imagination. To allow these people of "Faith" to subvert elections and to actively attempt to control government is is to invite a new and insidious form of terror into the very heart of America. They may not dress like Mullahs, but they are cut from the same cloth.
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