November 05, 2006

Election: Cheney Says It Doesn't Matter

The mid-term elections are drawing near. The polls seem to indicate that the Democrats will gain control of the House of Representatives and, perhaps, even the Senate. The president's approval rating is at 34% with the general public and few citizens now fully support the war in Iraq.

The Republican party, who rode into power on a reform platform, have managed to embroil themselves in one scandal after another. Bribery, sex, and corporate greed have seen numerous Republican politicians indicted, convicted, and kicked out of office in the last few years. Billions of tax dollars have been funneled into the corporate coffers of firm like Haliburton, once run by Vice-president Cheney, with little or no competition or scrutiny.

The war, the cause for which was built on lies and deception, has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of casualties. Iraq has been propelled into chaos and civil war by the mismanagement and incompetency of the incumbent American administration. Many people who supported the President are now re-thinking that support, and rightly so.

The administration has taken the line that anyone who doesn't support their policies is aiding and supporting the terrorists. They also are quick to blame the media for not reporting "all the good news" that's out there...and blah blah blah.

So what happens if the Democrats gain control of the Congress? Let Mr. Cheney answer that question.

Cheney: Nothing Changes

A quick look at the papers:

Saddam Hussein was sentenced to hang today by a court in Iraq. He will appeal that sentence no doubt. He also faces more trials for more crimes so don't be in any hurry to send condolences.

Ted Haggard, the evangelical pastor embroiled in a gay sex and drugs scandal has been dismissed from his office by a board of fellow pastors. After a series of denials, Reverend Haggard finally admitted his indescretions. This, to me at least, gives new meaning to the phrases : turning the other cheek and blowing someone to Kingdom Come.