October 23, 2006

The Cost Of Freedom Seems To Be Liberty

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin

Today I am posting two short videos that address the recently signed Military Commissions Act 2006 . This law suspends the rule of Habeas Corpus for anyone determined to be an enemy combatant by the president of the United States. The law also allows for the use of torture in the interrogation of detainees, who are not protected by the Geneva Convention.

The first of the two videos is a commentary by Keith Olbermann.

The Military Commissions Act 2006: America Dying In Silence

The second of these two videos is a short animation that illustrates the mentality of those that support this new law.

"Torture" And The New American Values

This is the kind of law that has been championed by despots throughout history. Hitler has his Kristolnacht, Lenin had his counter-revolution, Sulla had civil uprisings, and Bush had 9/11. All used real or imagined threats to implement new laws that would allow them powers never dreamed of in a democracy. But where does it end? What future president will decide that you or I are enemies and must be made to disappear?

Stay tuned.