October 09, 2006

Evolution Schmevolution

It is Monday, 9 Oct 2006.

The Koreans have tested a nuclear weapon.

The Republicans are pointing fingers and telling tales in order to cover up the cover-up surrounding the Foley scandal.

George W. Bush refuses to be cornered by Congress into actually appointing a director of FEMA who has proven qualifications in Disaster Management.

The Russians are quickly evolving a bizzare form of Totalitarianism that is a hybrid of Capitalism, Gangsterism, and Dick Cheneyism.

Iraq and Afghanistan are the same as ever...killings and dyings increasing every day.

Democracy, as a political system, is still having a hard time taking root in the Middle-East.

Religion, as a theological and political force, is still spinning the world in crazy circles and causing much more trouble than it could ever hope to solve.

So today I am posting a video that addresses, in a humorous way, the conflict between scince and religion. Enjoy.

The Daily Show: Evolution Schmevolution