November 02, 2006

Closer and Closer to Chaos

(click on picture to enlarge)

The chart above was prepared by the United States Central Command for a classified briefing. The chart, presented on Oct 18, shows that the Military Command considers that Iraq is edging closer and closer to outright chaos. It also details several factors involved in coming to that conclusion.

Mr. Bush, scrambling around the USA drumming up support for Republican candidates, paints a rosy picture of the war in Iraq. He tells all and sundry that the allies, hand in hand with the government of Iraq, are making great progress. The war is being won. Iraq is well on the way to becoming a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. But, according to the Military Commanders in Iraq, this is not the truth. The truth is that the government in Iraq cannot, or will not, govern. The Iraqi government cannot, or will not, take action against the militias, nor is it in control of even it's own security forces. The allied commanders are thwarted by a sectarianism that is rife within both the government of Iraq and it's military and police forces.

The fact is that the war in Iraq is not being won, but is fast being lost to chaos, anarchy, and ethnic and religious apartheid. The Sunni/Shiite divide is driving the forces of ethnic cleansing, mass murder, and political breakdown.

But Mr. Bush is determined to paint his rosy pictures. He is happy to portray anyone who questions his leadership of the war, or his "strategy" to win that war, as the enemies of freedom. Mr. Bush is determined to divide the American public into two opposing camps. Rather than being able to unite the American people, he is purposefully trying to frighten and intimidate them into following his questionable lead in all matters. But those who chose not to follow blindly are portrayed as being soft on terrorism and short on patriotism.

Mr. Bush is fighting a losing battle, and he is being advised and encouraged in his bumbling efforts by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rove, and all the other neocons that dragged the USA, and what is left of her allies, into this misbegotten, misplanned, misguided, and unnecessary war.

Perhaps someone close to the president might show Mr. Bush the chart above and explain it to him....slowly.

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