November 11, 2006

Bush: With Little or No Dick to Guide Him

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Rumsfeld is gone. He won't be back. He will probably spend a large part of the next two years testifying before Congressional committees. But the president is not alone, he still has his uncle Dick to lean on.

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It was under the influence and advisement of Mr. Cheney, that little Dubya decided to go to war. It was Mr. Cheney who filled the Pentagon with Neoconservative think-tankers like Mr. Rumsfeld and Mr Wolfowitz, demanded the politicization of intellegence, neutered the State Department, and led the media campaigns of misinformation against the American people in order to fear-monger their support for the Neocon dream of waging preemptive war in order to establish American world political, military, and economic dominance for the next century. So the president is not quite alone, even though it may feel that way because he no longer has a rubber-stamping, money-grubbing, Congress to follow blindly wherever he (and Mr Cheney) leads.

But, if the new Democrat controlled Congress keeps it's promise to make administration officials answer for their actions over the last six years, Mr. Cheney could find himself seated next to Mr. Rumsfeld and answering questions before Congressional committees. And he has quite a few questions to answer. There is the whole secret ENRON led energy commission thing, and the no-bid Haliburton war profiteering thing, the misleading the American people and the Congress with false intellegence thing, and the whole tear up the Constitution and cut the nuts off Congress thing. So, with any luck, Mr. Cheney will be too busy to pull little Dubya's strings for the next two years. But I am sure that, if the worst happens and he is indicted for any wrong doings, there will be a speedy presidential pardon fact it wouldn't surprise me if just such a pardon was one of the conditions under which he accepted his party's nomination for VP in the first place.

But, without Cheney and Rumsfeld to guide him, and the Democrats nipping at his golden heels, how will little Dubya cope. Who will be there to guide him during the last two years of his so-far misguided presidency?


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