Keep Looking George
George W. Bush, according to Bob Woodward, complained to his chief of staff, Andy Card, about not being able to find someone reliable to govern in Baghdad. "Where's George Washington?", he asked, "Where's Thomas Jefferson? Where's John Adams, for crying out loud?"
Where indeed? These were men who led a revolution against the occupation of, and government by, a foreign power in their precious homeland.
Now where would you find someone like that in Iraq?
These were men who went to war with the world's greatest military power and, after years of sacrifice and humiliation and with few battlefield victories to their credit, managed to undermine the will of that great superpower to continue in a war that could seemingly last for many, many years with no real victory in sight.
Now where would you find someone like that in Iraq?
These were men with meager resources and limited political and military experience between them. Their numbers were few, but as their revolution gathered momentum their numbers increased. People who had remained undecided, or were just too fearful to add their names into the fight, were soon on the streets and joining the revolution. Youngsters who had witnessed their parent's fear and timidity in the face of the occupation were soon swelling the numbers of those ready to fight for liberation.
Now where would you find someone like that in Iraq?
The military leadership of the occupying forces complained bitterly about the lack of military etiquette displayed by the revolutionaries. They hid behind trees and fired at the marching troops as they passed by, and then ran away to hide. The civilian population aided and abetted these rebels and often times misled the occupiers with false intelligence and subtle sabotage.
Now where would you find someone like that in Iraq?
Mr. Bush bemoans the fact that no single individual has stepped out of the crowd and, with charisma and strength, imposed his authority on the people and government of Iraq. No single man has appeared, who possesses the singular vision that would unite the divided Iraqis and allow the coalition forces to leave that forsaken country.
Now where would you find someone like that in Iraq?
Keep looking George. I have a feeling that the answer is out there somewhere.