May 10, 2006

Politics: In the News


Politics is a funny old game, but it is seldom a laughing matter. These two "world leaders", who both have the dubious honour of dragging their respective nations into an unnecessary and very expensive (in terms of dollars and lives) war, now have something else in common: They have both reached their lowest point in their political lives. In the UK the headline is that Tony Blair is the "most unpopular Labour leader ever"(The Daily Telegraph", and George W. Bush is in the headlines with "Bush worst marks yet on major issues" (The New York Times).

George W. Bush has tied his fathers lowest mark with just a 31% job approval father like son.

Tony Blair's approval rating is down to 25%. Not bad for a man who once had the highest approval rating (83%) of any politician in British history.

Both of these men have led the way with falsehoods and deceptions that would shame any legitimate political party. They have both surrounded themselves with people of questionable ethics and limited abilities. They have both found themselves leading parties embroiled in sleaze and corruption, and they have found themselves with little or no effective opposition.

Mr. Bush will soon be leaving office, and all the chaos and disasters that he will leave behind will be left for someone else to remedy. Good luck to them. Mr. Blair, on the other hand, refuses to set a limit for himself. He says that his leaving office, or setting a date to step down, will lead to disaster for the nation. This is the characteristic stance of the despotism that comes with too much power for too long a time.

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." Aesop