September 29, 2006

The Funny Side of Military Dictator

After viewing the video below, you might be tempted to think to yourself "Hey...that guy is OK..for a military dictator. Maybe being allies and "friends" with military dictators isn't such a bad thing after all." There is also that guy from Kazakhstan that has all the oil and is best buddies with George and Co..maybe he's an alright kind of dude too.

But we are in the business of exporting democracy, so how can we be pals with these guys? That's easy. You see we tell them at every opportunity that they have to begin to become more the future. They say sure. We say that's great. Then we all feel better. Simple really.

President Musharraf on The Daily Show:

September 28, 2006

The Best War Ever

September 26, 2006

Allies: With Friends Like These....? Part 2

According to the New York Times, President (General) Musharraf, in his memoirs published on Monday, states that he now believes that some of the equipment sent to North Korea by Abdul Kadeer Khan, Pakistans nuclear chief, was among the most advanced of its' kind. Of course he is adamant that this was done without his knowledge or approval.

He says he was first suspicious as early as 1999, the year that he seized power, that Dr. Khan was illegally selling nuclear secrets to the North Koreans, Lybians, and Iranians.

He says in his book: “I received a report suggesting that some North Korean nuclear experts, under the guise of missile engineers, had arrived” at Pakistan’s nuclear laboratories “and were being given secret briefings.”

According to another article , this in the Guardian newspaper dated Feb4, 2004, Dr Khan was reported to have admitted to investigators that, "What ever I did, it was in the knowledge of the bosses." He later recanted this statement before he was sent home. Neither he nor anyone else connected with the charges were sent to prison. He is considered a hero of Islam by many Muslims and is free to this day.

The same article says: Many analysts and most Pakistanis suspect the government of seeking to pin the blame on Mr Khan for a potentially lucrative trade of which, they say, the country's all-powerful army chiefs must have been aware.

It has been reported that Pakistani military aircraft were used to transport centrifuges and other sophisticated equipment to the various countries that Dr. Khan was supplying. Could he have done this without the knowledge or agreement of Pakistani military chiefs? And wasn't General Musharraf the biggest of all cheeses in the Pakistani larder?

Pakistan, which supported the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and still provides refuge to many Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters today, is also home to the infamous Madrassas, the Saudi (another staunch ally) financed religious schools, which educated many of the Taliban and provide a breeding ground for hatred of the West and venemous anti-semitism.

But now they are our staunch allies in the war on terror...according to George W. Bush anyway. But one has to question the quality of an alliance with a country which has to be threatened into joining the alliance or being "bombed back into the stone age". This is also a country that has provided nuclear technology to the greatest enemies of that same alliance.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Dubya....Keeping America safe by making strong alliances with determined partners. Right. One only has to look at the backgrounds of the 9/11 (New York) and 7/7 (London) terrorists to question the nature of, and security provided by, these so-called allies in the "War on Terror".

With friends like these...who needs enemies?

September 25, 2006

Allies: With Friends Like These....?

Well by now the whole world has heard of President (General) Musharraf's statement that an American under secretary promised that the USA would "bomb Pakistan back into the stone age" if it did not get on board with the war on terror. Of course Mr. Bush denies any knowledge of such a promise, and the under secretary, a certain Mr Armitage, who was recently revealed as the source of the leaking of a CIA agents name to the press, has denied making any such statement. He did however say that he stressed the urgency and resolve of the Americans to bring Pakistan into its' alliance in the war on terror. It was more of a "with us or against us" kind of thing.

America has a long history of alliances with military dictators, absolute monarchs, and all-round despots. The threat of violence is never far from the surface, but by far the strongest incentive is the promise that force will not be used to overthrow them. This promise, along with arms deals and other economic concessions, is usually enough to guarantee America yet another great ally in it's global war on whatever foe it might be at war with at the moment. The cold war was the beginning of Americas love affair with these dubious allies and despicable despots.

It was not all that long ago that Saddam Hussein was one of Americas trusted allies. Saddam and America did great business during the Iraq/Iran war, lots of hand-shaking and back-patting and plenty of pocket-lining went on. Then there was the Osama Bin Laden connection in which Osama's little rag-tag band of "freedom fighters" took on Americas great enemy (at the time) the Russians and were financed, trained, and armed by the CIA. I think this all falls under the "It'll come back to bite you in the ass" theory of American Foreign Policy.

Musharraf who, like Saddam and many others (Dubya for example), often appears in military uniform in front of home crowds. He seized power in a military coup and has been promising to "restore" democracy ever since. He has even held an election, declared corrupt by the UN, in which he was declared the absolute victor. Big surprise there. I think Saddam employed the exact same political strategy (wasn't Dubya embroiled in a similar election scandal?).

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Anyway, I hope that the whole "back into the stone age" thing doesn't stop these two love birds from continuing their special alliance. It would be a shame for Mr. Musharraf to find himself following Saddam into ex-ally status. But that is not very see he already has nuclear weapons so I doubt that even Dubya would be daft enough to invade a country that really does have WMD's.

September 23, 2006

The George W. Bush Presidential Library: Flatworld

Flatworld: Enjoy The Ride

September 22, 2006

Theocracy Ascending: Just Some Thoughts

"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is." Mohandas K. Gandhi

I usually don't decide what to write about until I have had a few cups of coffee and more than a few cigarettes and have spent a few hours reading various newspapers, magazines, and news websites. Many stories, although they may differ in topic and viewpoint, seem to be part of a larger and more important entity...History. We are watching it unfold before us...and it is profoundly disturbing.

Some governments in today's world are being hijacked by ideologically insane religious fundamentalists. These lunatics are so bent on achieving world dominance for their respective religions that they are ecstatically encouraging their followers to commit themselves to years of warfare and slaughter. Their aim is to eliminate all forums of debate, all voices of dissent, and all opinions and ideals that are counter to their own core beliefs.

Their politics are nothing less than Theocracy. They cannot and will not accept the seperation of Church and State. Their economic, political, and social agendas are determined exclusively by their commitment to the eventual supremacy, in all aspects of national life, of their religious philosphy.

There will be no room for enquiry or debate in their new order. Any questioning of their rule will be considered heresy and apostacy. The sanctions imposed for these offenses will be dreadful and automatic. The light of reason will be extinguished and replaced by the darkness of dogma and repression. The new leaders will claim divine approval for their rule and will brook no opposition. This is the shape of things to come.

The most disturbing aspect of these zealots is that they are convinced that this world is nothing more than preamble to the next one, the one that exists only in their religious imaginations. This world is expendable and exists only to usher in the paradise that awaits them and their followers when this world ends. They are also convinced that the end of this world is almost upon us, and that one of their main functions is to set the stage for it's ultimate destruction. They are certain that this Armegeddon will occur in the very near future, that we are in the End Times . The following video is a report on a new computer game for fundamentalist christian children to play. I am sure that in the Muslim world there are similar games available to their children.

As we are witnessing history unfold, are we also witnessing it collapse? Are we about to enter a new dark ages, where science and reason will again become repressed and punished? I think this is highly probable if the zealots, who are at this moment in their ascendency, realise their goals.

There is as much to fear from one group of such fanatics as there is from another. On both sides of the present cultural conflict there are forces at work whose aim is to seize power and cement their influence over humanity.

"Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven." Mark Twain

September 20, 2006

Bush-League Passion

There is a documentary released this year called Jesus Camp . This film is about Evangelical Christians and the way that religion controls all aspects of the lives. Their families, their politics, and their views on social issues, are all determined by their religious beliefs. The film is about a camp for the children of these Evangelicals where they are taught that they should become soldiers for Christ, and be ready to lead America in the future.

Not long ago I posted a video depicting a small Muslim girl being coached into anti-semitism by her teacher. Well here are another two videos in the same vein.

Jesus Camp: The Trailer

Jesus Camp: ABC Report

Scary Huh?

September 19, 2006

Torture: It Was Good Enough For Jesus

"We do not torture" (Yeah Right)

The President and his policies are all over the news today. In Canada a judicial inquiry has cleared the name of Maher Arar, a computer consultant, who was falsely accused of being a terrorist with ties to Al Qaeda. The Canadian Mounted Police, without proper investigation or cause, gave his name to the US authorities, who promptly arrested him and sent him to Syria where he was tortued for 10 months before being released. This was done under Mr. Bush's policy of rendition, where suspected terrorists are transported to secret locations around the world to be tortured.

Mr Bush's policies in this area are again being questioned by members of his own party and at least one former cabinet member. Colin Powell, when interviewed said, "If you just look at how we are perceived in the world and the kind of criticism we have taken over Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and renditions, whether we believe it or not, people are now starting to question whether we're following our own high standards."

But does America hold itself to such high standards? Here are the results of a poll conducted last year which, when studied carefully, show that a great many Americans, especially so-called Christians, are in favour of torturing suspected terrorists. Only a minority of people answered "never" to the question of torture. The people who did answer "never" the most were those who described themselves as Secular .

It would seem that the high standards that Colin Powell attributes to the American people are as ficticious as the Weapons of Mass Destruction that were used to drag the USA and her allies into a seemingly never-ending and unwinnable war. But Colin Powell is right about one thing: The image that America has of itself, and the image of America that is fast being formed by the rest of the world, are two very different things indeed.

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September 18, 2006

Pope Says Sorry...But Not Quite

It is all in the eye of the beholder it seems.

The pope said "sorry" yesterday. But his exact words have done little to appease the Muslims of the world or alter his image in their minds. He said he was , "..deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address . . . which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims. These in fact were a quotation from a medieval text, which do not in any way express my personal thought."

The reaction from the Muslim world was summed up by a Turkish State Minister Mehmet Aydin who said the pontiff appeared to be saying he was sorry for the outrage but not necessarily the remarks themselves.

The pope was delivering a lecture to a group of academics about the use of violence to promote religion. His point was that the use of reason is superior to the use of violence, and because God gave us reason, and we were created in his image, it stands to reason that God would not want us to use violence in place of reason in order to spread his word. Thus the pope, in his capacity as spokesperson for God, was explaining how violence is contrary to the nature of God. This, of course, negates everything that the Old Testament teaches us about God, and pretty much contradicts almost everything about the history the spread of the Christian church.

The Islamic world is itself not without a few contradictions. By first of all claiming to be a religion of peace, and then promising violence to all who would question it on that point, it has shown itself to be anything but peaceful. Christian churches have been attacked and some Christians killed in the aftermath of the pope's little faux pas. The Islamic attitude reminds me of the old bumper sticker that went something like this:

Support Mental Health...Or I'll Kill You!!!

One television news program last night offered us a short interview with a Muslim protestor outside Houses of Parliament in London, He described a "Trinity of Evil" as 1. The pope, 2. President Bush, and 3. Tony Blair.

It would seem that the pope, an icon of modern Christianity and tolerance, has now become iconic to Islam much in the same way as one of his predecssors, Pope Alexander II, who launched the first Crusade in 1063.

Who will be next to throw a little petrol on the fire in the hope of extinguishing the flames? Stay tuned to find out.

September 16, 2006

Pope on the Ropes: Muslims take it to the Streets..Again

The battle lines are slowly being drawn between three of the worlds major religions. Although the Judeo-Christian alliance has sometimes been tenuous and strained (pogroms, the holocaust, Mel Gibson, etc), they remain united in the face of their theological nemesis: Islam

Pope Benedict XVI has recently given a lecture, during which he quoted a 14th century Byzantine emperor who, when comparing Islam with Christianity said: "Everything Mohammad brought was evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Of course the Pope was trying to examine religious violence in the world and was making passing reference to the concept of Jihad.

Well his comments have created quite a stir throughout the Muslim world. He has been condemned by governments and Mullahs, accused of reviving the Crusades, and generally stirring up and causing violence.

It might be just me but...don't the Muslims seem to get stirred up and violent about any non-believer saying anything about them? And don't all their leaders, and the mobs that surround them, continuously call for the death of America, the West, and for Islam to take over the world? And don't Muslims, who go dancing into the streets whenever some Jihaddist manages to blow himself and numerous innocent victims into the next life, seem to glorify and revere the violence that is being done in their name?

Now, as some of you might have guessed, I am not a religious person. There are far too many people in this world purporting to talk with, and for, God (whatever that is). I don't believe a word of it. From BennyXVI, to Dubya, to Mullah Omar, I don't think that any of these so-called spiritual people are genuine, at best they are misguided or deluded. The sooner they all shut up and drop the pretence of being guided by some "supernatural" invisible being, who hates all people who do not obey or worship him in the way set out by these so-called priests and believers, the better. We might as well be fighting, killing, and dying for the Easter Bunny or Zeus. Humanity is mad and there is little hope for us as long as we hang on to these myths, which are all based on our innate fear of death.

Grow up people!!! For God's sake.

September 15, 2006

Oils Well that Ends Well for Good Ol' Fidel

It seems that Ol' Fidel has a lot to smile about these days. He is up and out of the hospital, still the big cheese in Cuba, making friends and influencing fellow big cheeses throughout South and Central America, and now he is sitting on a gold mine...well an oil field actually

According to an article on the BBC website :
"A US Geological Survey report published last year estimates that 4.6 billion barrels of oil and 9.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas could lie within that zone, in the North Cuba Basin." That's quite a bundle for the Cuban coffers ($75.00 a barrel).

It would seem that oil companies from China, India, and other countries not bound by the US economic embargo, are lining up and signing up to purchase pieces of this off-shore bonanza. No wonder that Hugo Chavez, the big cheese of Venezuela, was at Castro's bedside during his recent hospital stay. Venezuala is itself a rather large player in the oil producing game, and also finds itself on America's shitlist.

The article goes on to state that some members of the US Congress are putting forward the idea that American oil companies should be allowed "exemptions" from the economic embargo so that they may be able to take advantage of this oil field. So much for the moral highground.

I'll bet George and Co. are already busy sticking pins in Castro dolls, hoping for his quick demise, so that they can finally bring "Democracy" to the Cuban people and, like they did in Iraq, secure the oil fields. At the end of the's all about moola, bread, cash, dough, scratch, dosh, dinero, and of course those other two great motivators...Democracy and Freedom (yeah right).

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September 14, 2006

Born Again Bush: Inquisition Time Again


According to a recent Reuters article President Bush is convinced that the USA has "..embarked on the latest great religious awakening of it's history."

This might explain his desire to step back into the middle-ages and borrow a technique of interrogation that was developed during the 15th century by the Italian Inquisition: Waterboarding.

This technique has been used many times over the centuries by various religious and governmental bodies. It has been used to ferret out heretics, witches, and Satan worshipers by many a devout Christian over the years from Rome to Spain and even to the new world of Salem, Massachusetts. Governments have also employed this particular torture in modern times from Southeast Asia to South America and on to the Middle-East this has been a favourite of interrogators because it leaves no physical signs of torture.

It is simply convincing someone that they are being drowned. A mock execution that deprives the prisoner of air while either dipping them into water, pouring water over them, or various other means of simulating drowning. The struggling prisoner is quite often willing to tell his inquisitors whatever they wish to hear.

According to Wikpedia: "The modern practice of waterboarding, characterized in 2005 by former CIA director Porter J. Goss as a "professional interrogation technique", [citation needed] involves tying the victim to a board with the head lower than the feet so that he or she is unable to move. A piece of cloth is held tightly over the face, and water is poured onto the cloth. Breathing is extremely difficult and the victim will be in fear of imminent death by asphyxiation.

However, it is relatively difficult to aspirate a large amount of water since the lungs are higher than the mouth, and the victim is unlikely to actually die if this is done by skilled practitioners. Waterboarding may be used by captors who wish to impose anguish without leaving marks on their victims as evidence. [citation needed] Journalists Brian Ross and Richard Esposito described the CIA's waterboarding technique as follows:

The prisoner is bound to an inclined board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet. Cellophane is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over him. Unavoidably, the gag reflex kicks in and a terrifying fear of drowning leads to almost instant pleas to bring the treatment to a halt. According to the sources, CIA officers who subjected themselves to the water boarding technique lasted an average of 14 seconds before caving in. They said al Qaeda's toughest prisoner, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, won the admiration of interrogators when he was able to last over two minutes before begging to confess. "The person believes they are being killed, and as such, it really amounts to a mock execution, which is illegal under international law," said John Sifton of Human Rights Watch.[1]

Imagine what George and Co. would get up to if they weren't Born Again Christians and didn't believe they would one day have to answer to the Prince of Peace?

September 13, 2006

Prejudice and Fear: How it Begins

There is a musical I remember watching as a child called South Pacific. Among it's many wonderful songs there is one that has always haunted me. The lyrics deal with prejudice and they are as true today as they were all those years ago.

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

September 11, 2006

Iraqi Justice: Texas Style...Almost

Today's Telegraph ,one of the UK's leading daily newspapers, carries two very disturbing, and yet strangely not surprising, stories. They both deal with the immediate effects of the hand-over of the nortorious Abu Gharib prison to the Iraqi government. The headline for the first article reads:Tortured screams ring out as Iraqis take over Abu Gharib . The new government has embraced it's own set of "traditional values" by reinstituting torture and starvation as normal prison routine. The article also links to the second story, which reports on the announcement yesterday by the Iraqi government that they had hanged 27 prisoners at Abu Gharib. It would seem that mass executions are once again to be normal routine at this prison, as they once were under the infamous Saddam Hussein.

I am sure that George Bush, former governor of Texas, would see this as a step towards proper western-style democracy. Texas, although not yet bold enough to hold them en masse, does lead the USA in the number of inmates executed. So I am sure that George is very proud of his fledgeling democracy.

This also does a lot for the morale of the American people. It seems, according to the article, that the prisoners being held at Abu Gharib miss their American guards and their comparatively humane treatment. They long for the good old days.

Don't you just love the irony?

There will be few happy endings in sight for the Iraqis, and I am sure that most of the population will feel little sympathy for the prisoners awaiting justice. But I do hope that this new government, should it survive the impending civil war, will not find it necessary to emulate Saddam's particular brand of justice or to embrace it with Saddam's despotic enthusiasm.

September 10, 2006

Obsession: What the West needs to know about Radical Islam: Parts 7 & 8

These are the last two chapters of this series of videos. I have not posted these videos to promote any particular point of view. I have posted these videos to illustrate the intransigence of the ideological perspectives that determine the present political world climate. I think that the "next life" is about to become very crowded.

Part 7:

Part 8:

Obsession: What the West needs to know about Radical Islam: Parts 5 & 6

Continuing this series of videos depicting the trends in modern Islam. The power of religion to influence the world around us is undeniable, but it is time, before it is too late, to reassess the beliefs that have brought us to the brink of world war. I present these videos not to single out Islam as the sole problem, but to illustrate the perverse way that religious ideology can be twisted to cause human suffering and promote violence and hatred in the world.

Part 5:

Part 6:

September 09, 2006

Obsession: What the West needs to know about Radical Islam: Parts 3 & 4

Today I am posting two more sections of this film. The West should not doubt that there are enemies out there that are bent on it's destruction. Whatever the motivations behind the invasion of Iraq, there is an ideological war taking place and it will not end any time soon.

Part 3

Part 4

September 08, 2006

Obsession: What the West needs to know about Radical Islam. Parts 1 & 2

For the next few days I am posting yet another series of videos.

Part 1:

Part 2:

September 06, 2006

A Quick Look At The Papers

I have completed over 100 posts so far. I have deleted a few over the course of time, but this post is number 102 of those that are still available here.

Today's post isn't about anything in particular. Instead, I have decided to just note a few of the events covered by the various papers and news programs that I watch every day. I am not obsessed, just morbidly curious, about current events: how they are linked, how they effect each other, how they affect all of us, and how they unfold on an almost minute by minute basis all around the world.

In Britain today there is much speculation as to how much longer Tony Blair can remain in power. One junior minister and a few parliamentary secretaries have resigned, after calling for Mr. Blair to step down and allow for new leadership of both party and government. Many other high-ups in the Labour party have signed a letter to Mr. Blair asking him to set a deadline for his leaving office. In short, there is rebellion brewing in the governing party, and the main opposition party is making headway with the voters.

Much of this uproar is centered on Iraq. The British troops are stretched and dying daily in wars, both in Afghanistan and Iraq, that appear to have very little in the way of exit, or any other, strategy.

Meanwhile, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars go on. The Grand Ayatolla Ali al-Sistani has officially washed his hands of politics because nobody listens to him any longer. He will now take only questions of a religious nature, and he is sure that Iraq is destined for civil war. He is not alone in that assumption. The Iraqi Shias have instead turned to Muqtada al-Sadr, the cleric who has his own militia and offers the Shias revenge for the killings done to them by their Sunni countrymen and counterparts. The level of violence is the highest it has been since the fall of Saddam, who is still alive and standing trial.

In Afghanistan the Taliban has recovered much of the countryside bordering Pakistan. The official government has dubious control of the cities, but the countryside is controlled almost entirely by warlords and Taliban/al Qaida fighters. The opium production is in full swing and it appears to be a bumper many Afghans in the countryside will probably not starve this winter. The war effort, largely forgotten in the wake of the invasion of Iraq, has fumbled half-heartedly on and on. Lack of troops, strategy, funding, and economic planning has led to a seemingly stalled and forgotten adventure. Pakistan, which borders Afghanistan and shelters many of the Taliban and Al-Qaida cadre', seems to have called a truce with the warlords and clerics that rule it's own frontiers. A sort of non-interference treaty is in place. So much for the war on terror. The Pakistani government, like it's Afghan counterpart, lacks authority outside of it's urban centres, and the will to confront tribal leaders in the countryside.

North Korea and Iran are still undeterred in their pursuit of nuclear power and ballistic missiles. Oil prices are getting higher as supply remains uncertain. In Europe there is a growing drift towards militarism among young Muslims, and small cells of home-grown terrorists are still hatching grand plots in order to make their mark and to hurry their promised entry into paradise.

In the USA there are election on the horizon. The Administration is once again playing on the fear of the American public (which they are very much responsible for implanting in the first place) in order to continue their aggressive agenda, both foreign and domestic. The Democrats are impotent and lack any cohesive policy to counter the right-wing, born-again hawks that they are up against.

Torture, kangaroo-courts, domestic surveillance, and zenophobic paranoia are very much the stuff of the next elections in America, and should make for some very interesting and amusing viewing.

So much for today.

September 03, 2006

Life Imitates Art: You Nazti Spy: part 2

The second part of this comedy. I laughed till I cried.

Life Imitates Art: You Nazti Spy: part 1

Although this blog is not all about videos, sometimes videos allow me to illustrate a point. Here we have a prime example: Does this scenario remind you of recent history?

You Nazti Spy!: part 1

The War For Oil: part 3

This is the third, and final, part of this series, which was first broadcast by the BBC during the first week of the war in Iraq. The war goes on...and on...and on. There is no strategy for victory, no solutions put forward that take into consideration the reality of the fragmented and troubled Iraqi people, and it seems that a long-term occupation of that country is inevitable. But, perhaps, that was the plan from the beginning.

September 02, 2006

The War For Oil: part 2

This is the second of a three part video that explains the real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq.

September 01, 2006

The War For Oil: part 1

Today I am posting the first installment of a three-part video called The War For Oil, presented by the BBC. This program was made at the begining of the present war in Iraq, a war that most of Mr Bush's cabinet, believed would be short and successful. I won't say much in the way of preamble, I believe the program speaks for itself. The videos may take some time to load. Please be patient.

Part One: War For Oil