September 22, 2006

Theocracy Ascending: Just Some Thoughts

"Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is." Mohandas K. Gandhi

I usually don't decide what to write about until I have had a few cups of coffee and more than a few cigarettes and have spent a few hours reading various newspapers, magazines, and news websites. Many stories, although they may differ in topic and viewpoint, seem to be part of a larger and more important entity...History. We are watching it unfold before us...and it is profoundly disturbing.

Some governments in today's world are being hijacked by ideologically insane religious fundamentalists. These lunatics are so bent on achieving world dominance for their respective religions that they are ecstatically encouraging their followers to commit themselves to years of warfare and slaughter. Their aim is to eliminate all forums of debate, all voices of dissent, and all opinions and ideals that are counter to their own core beliefs.

Their politics are nothing less than Theocracy. They cannot and will not accept the seperation of Church and State. Their economic, political, and social agendas are determined exclusively by their commitment to the eventual supremacy, in all aspects of national life, of their religious philosphy.

There will be no room for enquiry or debate in their new order. Any questioning of their rule will be considered heresy and apostacy. The sanctions imposed for these offenses will be dreadful and automatic. The light of reason will be extinguished and replaced by the darkness of dogma and repression. The new leaders will claim divine approval for their rule and will brook no opposition. This is the shape of things to come.

The most disturbing aspect of these zealots is that they are convinced that this world is nothing more than preamble to the next one, the one that exists only in their religious imaginations. This world is expendable and exists only to usher in the paradise that awaits them and their followers when this world ends. They are also convinced that the end of this world is almost upon us, and that one of their main functions is to set the stage for it's ultimate destruction. They are certain that this Armegeddon will occur in the very near future, that we are in the End Times . The following video is a report on a new computer game for fundamentalist christian children to play. I am sure that in the Muslim world there are similar games available to their children.

As we are witnessing history unfold, are we also witnessing it collapse? Are we about to enter a new dark ages, where science and reason will again become repressed and punished? I think this is highly probable if the zealots, who are at this moment in their ascendency, realise their goals.

There is as much to fear from one group of such fanatics as there is from another. On both sides of the present cultural conflict there are forces at work whose aim is to seize power and cement their influence over humanity.

"Man is the religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion –- several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat, if his theology isn't straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother's path to happiness and heaven." Mark Twain