Religion: Religious Boobs
I think I'll put politics to bed for awhile, because religion, once again, has reared its' ugly head. The religious amongst us have siezed the opportunity to get on their high horses and stampede into the street, hackles rising and bile boiling, to protest yet again at some perceived insult to their "faith". Bibles in hand and shielded in sanctimony, they are attacking yet another "falsehood" that has been perpatrated against them and their God!
What is it this time? might well ask. Yet another movie...a film..a entertainment. Oh well, in the absence of any viable anti-Christ or demonic army from hell to struggle and content with, I guess Hollywood will just have to do. So look out Tom Hanks and Leonardo DaVinci, the self-appointed occupiers of the moral highground are mobilized against you!
The last time a film had this sort of effect it was animosity, insult, and conflict between Christians and Jews generated by Mel Gibson and his snuff movie starring Jesus. Even the Muslims got a chance to get in on that one and loved the whole anti-semitism thing. The Christians mobilized their armies, bought thier tickets, and saved their souls...all for under ten dollars!
Then there was the cartoon of Mohammed that sent the Muslims rioting around the globe, burning embassies, torching churches, and calling for the deaths of just about everyone. Those were the days.
But who can forget the way that the moral majority (not to be confused with the silent majority) got to tickle their nethers with outrage when poor little Janet let slip the boob?
So, in tribute to Leonardo, I would just like to leave you all with this:

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